Tuesday, January 11, 2011

This past Spring, I received a peeping box from the mailman with four tiny black ducklings inside. Each fit in the palm of my hand and were very close to being the cutest thing I have ever seen (second to my beautiful Lilah, of course). And even though they laid eyes on me first, it was Lilah that they imprinted to- following her around, peeping as she entered the room and protectively slept in front of their cage. Now, they live in the back yard and touch nose to beak through the fencing, or desperately waddle, try to keep up with her cantering around the yard when they escape.
Sadly, one afternoon this past fall, our one male duck simply disappeared, leaving behind his three ladies. They have been quieter since he left, not leaving the coop often. But it was this afternoon when I gave them their second scoop of feed, that I found it unusual for them to not even come out of their little house to peck a few bites. And as Matt opened up the roof, we saw why. Nestled in the straw, were three beautiful speckled eggs. When Matt reached in to pick them up, the girls stepped aside. And as he carried them over to show Lilah and I, that was when they sauntered down the ramp, ate a few bites and hopped in the pond, almost relieved.
I felt a little guilty however when we scrambled them up tonight. But they tasted delicious.

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